Egnatia Motorway – Greece
LOCATION: Thessaly Panagia, Greece
PROJECT TYPE: Ground investigation
VALUE: £290K
Between 2003 and 2005 Harrison Group Environmental carried out geotechnical investigation work on the Egnatia Odos project which is one of the largest road projects ever constructed in Europe.
It has been integrated into the priority projects of Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T). The 670 km long motorway crosses Northern Greece, connects most of its major urban centres, links 4 major harbours and 6 airports.
Over 25 Industrial Areas / Parks &developmental zones are located within a radius of 5km on either side of the Egnatia Motorway and each of its vertical axes.
Harrison had to be registered by the Greek government to undertake projects of Degree E, a level given only to the highest profile projects.
Construction of a number of long tunnels was required so that the Egnatia Motorway could negotiate the more hilly & mountainous areas along its route.
The longest was the Epirus Dodoni tunnel at 4.59km. Harrison Group carried out the investigation for the Thessaly Panagia tunnel – length 2.7km.
A number of rotary holes were drilled along the proposed Panagia tunnel route to depths of up to 120m.
The findings were used for highway, bridge and tunnel design.
Initially the route of the site investigation was forested and this had to be cleared to open up access for lorry mounted rotary drilling rigs and other essential plant and equipment.
All work was carried out within allowed timeframes and to the satisfaction of the client.