ExCel Exhibition Centre, London
ExCel Exhibition Centre, LondonPROJECT TYPE
Geoenvironmental Ground InvestigationVALUE
The site investigation took place in the eastern car park of ExCel Exhibition Centre in order to provide information on ground conditions to inform foundation design, contamination assessments, and any remedial measurements required for the construction of a two-storey, 40,000m2 extension.
The site was immediately adjacent to the Royal Victoria Dock, and had an extensive industrial history with multiple historical foundations. It also had a very high UXO risk, with more than 8 bomb strikes recorded as having occurred on-site and a further 5 within 25m.
The geology consisted of made ground over superficial deposits including cohesive and granular soils and peat overlaying Lambeth Group deposits.
At the time of the investigation, Covid-19 restrictions were in place and the ExCel Centre was host to a Nightingale Hospital.