September 12, 2016
BIM Capability at Harrison Group
Harrison Group Environmental operates to Building Information Modelling (BIM) level 2. – an overview of our capabilities follows.
Keynetix Holebase data management systems are used to manage and report all of our site investigation and laboratory testing. Holebase is synchronised with AutoCAD and uses raw AGS format data to store and share data. This can be delivered to designers for further enhance BIM modelling and development of projects.
By using Holebase SI, it presents us with the ability to use AGS4 and with the integration of CAD CIVIL 3D enables sections and modelling of ground conditions with respect to their location, depth, geology, condition, laboratory test results, field screening and observations. All the data collected can be provided to consultants and contractors on an ongoing basis, or on completion, as preferred.
We have the experience to incorporate GIS data and extrapolate/ incorporate across different digital formats and media. Information from the on-site logging of soil samples is input into Holebase SI and the data is analysed and interpolated to build a picture of the prevailing ground conditions.
With our in-house capabilities of Computer Aided Design, (CAD) we are able to create 3D and 2D ground model representations. We have experience of using CADMAP 3D and CIVIL 3D (AutoDesk and AutoCad).
In addition to this we use the PAS 1192-2:2013 (Incorporating Corrigendum No.1) Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using building information modelling.
We consider that we are well-placed and have the capability to train and accommodate BIM as a fairly straightforward additional and complementary expansion of our services.
Recent examples of incorporating BIM data as part of our services include:
- Providing clients with AutoCAD civils data which can be directly incorporated into their BIM.
- Providing details of made ground / depths of water-table enabling clients to carry out 3D modelling of their intended structures.
- Ground modelling of land fill to provide information earthworks for cut and fill exercises.
- Provision of Civils data clients which can be used for their own BIM purposes.