January 29, 2021

COVID-19 Compliant Investigation at ExCeL Exhibition Centre

Harrison Group were contracted by Campbell Reith Hill LLP to undertake a site investigation in the eastern car park of the ExCeL Exhibition Centre, London, in order to provide information on ground conditions to inform foundation design, contamination assessments, and any remedial measurements required for the construction of a two-storey, 40,000m2 extension.


At the time of the investigation, COVID-19 restrictions were in place and the ExCeL Centre was host to a Nightingale Hospital. As a result of this the site was set up by Harrison Group and ran to facilitate social-distancing, with measures such as additional welfare facilities put in place.


Read full case study here.

Site plan showing intrusive investigation positions

COVID-19 compliant welfare facilities for site staff

Typical machine-excavated trial pit